His Plaything

I knew it was a dumb idea to walk home from work by myself. It was dark even though it wasn't too late, and the route home wasn't exactly through the busiest or safest of routes. But I had done that walk a thousand times! How was I supposed to know this time would be any different.

But it was. I was about half way home, it was cold so I had on my jacket, hat and scarf. I was walking through the park, admiring the eerie view of the trees in the orange glow of the street lights. That's when I noticed the man walking towards me.

I didn't have any reason to be nervous, it's not like he was following me because he came from another direction. My guard was up but I felt fairly calm and just avoided looking at him as our paths came closer to crossing.

"Excuse me?" My heart started pounding in my chest as he spoke. My head started to wonder if I should be running. "I'm so sorry to bother you but do you know where Bank Street is? I calmed a little, looking up he was a young guy close to my age, and he looked sincere.

"It's actually back the way you came," I laughed to try and lighten the mood. He was actually really cute so I offered to show him since I was walking that way anyway and it was only a few minutes walk. He introduced himself as Harley, and was friendly enough but didn't walk too close, probably realising how it might come across.

As we reached the park entrance on Bank street I didn't even second guess the big range rover with blacked out windows parked out front. I turned to him to politely part ways when I saw him lunging towards me, grabbing me with surprising force.

A cloth was over my mouth which smelled sickly sweet and made me struggle to think clearly. The last thing I remembered was being put in the back of the car by Harley and then it all goes black.

Now here I am, naked and chained to a bed. I don't even want to think about how he got my clothes off when I was unconscious, or whatever else he might have done. The room is medium sized, with a metal framed king bed. Not much else in terms of furnishings except a wooden side table that was drilled into the wall.

I was under some covers at least, a soft black duvet. But underneath both my ankles and wrists are cuffed with a heavy metal. These aren't pulled tightly, I can roll over but can't really move off of the bed.

My wrists are attached to each other with a thick chain maybe half a metre in length. There are two doors in the room, both closed and a window which has light seeping in around curtains which are drawn.

I have no idea what to do, should I scream out or would that just draw my kidnappers attention? I can't see anything that I could use to escape, there aren't even any pillows. I lay there restless but still drowsy for what felt like hours until I drifted off to sleep again.

I wake up, god knows how much later and I have an arm draped over my waist. Panic sets in, this is him, the man who stole me just lying next to me. I scream, unable to stop myself at the shock and fear. He jolts awake to see me trying to get as far away from him as I can.

It was the man from the park, he had no t-shirt on showing off his lean body which so easily overpowered her before. I curled up in the bottom corner of the bed, trying to cover myself with the duvet, tears are forming in my eyes as I imagine what he's going to do with me. He looked drowsy and confused at the scream, but sighed as he looked over me cowering.

"Come back over here and lie down." He said calmly and sternly, looking at her like he assumed she would immediately obey him.

"No way, stay the fuck away from me!" I screamed, pulling in my legs tighter into my body. He sighed and moved towards me, grabbing the cuffs on my wrists and yanking them forward. I yelled and wriggled trying to free myself, but he had quickly secured the cuffs to a hook at the top of the bed frame, forcing me to stretch out.

He then got up, revealing his pyjamas consisted only of a pair of dark grey boxers which showed his muscly thighs as well as a sizable bulge. I tried to avert my eyes from that part of him but my vision betrayed me, wandering down his abs to inspect the package.

He fiddled with locks and chains, tightening my ankle restraints so that I had little movement left. I continued crying and begged for him to let me go, I sounded like every athletic girl in every movie, "please let me go, I won't tell anyone I promise I have a family please I just want to go home." The ramble came out of me automatically, becoming less and less comprehensible as it went on.

He got back in the other side of the bed coming close to me, I flinched but couldn't move away this time. Looking down into my eyes he spoke in his calm tone again, "if you don't shut up I'll make you." With that the babbling stopped, although the quiet room was filled with noises of me sniffling.

He simply pulled up the covered, placed his arm back over my waist and went to sleep. It only took a few minutes until I heard gentle snoring in my left ear. I kept crying until I eventually melted into a restless sleep.

In what I guessed was the morning A ridiculously loud alarm sounded all throughout the room. There were speakers in the corner which must have pumped the sound in. They turned off shortly after as I felt him stir.

I lay still trying to pretend that I was still asleep, hoping he would leave me alone. He squeezed me into him letting me feel his erection pressing against my lower back. "Good morning," He said cheerily, I'm not sure if it was to me or himself. His arm which had been wrapped around me stroked my skin with his fingers.

"You have such lovely skin," he whispered in my ear, I could feel the warmth of his breath as he spoke. I winced, pulling my head away. I couldn't move very far, allowing him to easily reach me as he leaned forward and licked my ear.

"STOP!" I shrieked at him, revolted by the slimy feeling it left on my skin. He kept me against him and let his hand start to wander over my chest. "Please," this came out as a whisper as he cupped my DD breast in his hand, his thumb and finger coming together to gently pinch my nipple.

He kissed my neck just below the ear, "I thought," he said in between kisses, "I told you," he kissed my jawline, moving closer to my ear, "to be quiet." He finished with a kiss on the cheek, his sincere tone stopping me from speaking out again as his hand carried on with it's assault.

"Well," he said, more upbeat, as he pulled away and rolled off of the bed, "I guess I'll just have to fix that myself." He bent down under the bed to pull out a box, the contents hidden to me from my viewpoint. When he rose he was holding a black rubber ball with straps on the side.

He looked very pleased which scared me, especially because I had no clue what the weird ball thing was. Looking back it should have been fairly obvious but I was in shock at that point. He sauntered over to my side of the bed, climbing on top of me so that he was kneeling over my waist.

He brought the ball up to my face while smiling, "Open wide" When I failed to comply he grabbed my left nipple and tugged at it sharply. I cried out at the pain, then had the ball shoved inside my mouth quickly. I finally connected the dots as he secured the strap around my head, locking in the gag.

He looked so pleased with himself, that infuriated me but I couldn't tell him off or slap his face. I wriggled under him which only widened his smile, eventually I lay still, closing my eyes so I could avoid his gaze. He moved off shortly after, I could hear him shuffling around, the chains on my ankles loosened as well as my wrists.

It was only after I heard a door close and no more movement that I opened my eyes again to inspect the changes. My wrists were back to being loosely attached to each other, this allowed me to feel around the gag but it was no use, I couldn't undo the lock so it was stuck in place. One ankle was free (apart from the metal cuff clamped around it) and the other was on a long chain which was locked around the bottom corner of the bed.

I could move around the room, just about reaching every wall. He had also left open one of the doors, showing a small bathroom that I could easily use as it was on my side of the bed. It sent shivers down my spine as I wondered if this was just a coincidence or if he pre-planned to have a bathroom just in reach of his captive.

Of course no one walks around with chloroform and has chains and cuffs in their house so it must have been planned. I wondered if he had been watching me, and waiting for the perfect moment, or was he just walking around the park waiting for a dumb woman like me to come along?

Neither answer would have calmed me down. I used the bathroom, being as quick as I could because I didn't want him to come back while I was on the toilet. There was no mirror, which I was glad of because I no doubt looked a mess and didn't want a reminder of it. I could already feel my dark hair growing frizzy.

He returned to the room not long after he left, holding a bowl and a plastic cup. As soon as I saw the food I felt my stomach cry out, I had no idea how long it had been since my last meal but I knew it was too long. I started drooling around the gag in my mouth. He placed them both on the side table, then perched on the bottom of the bed watching me eye the bowl.

"Hungy?" He asked mockingly, probably hearing the sounds my stomach was making. I looked away from him, not wanting to give him any satisfaction. "I can take that out to let you eat if you like?" I knew from the tone that he had some kind of bargain in mind, but nonetheless my head turned to look at him before I had time to consider what it may be.

"I will take it out to let you eat," he started, seeing he had grabbed my attention, "but you have to let me put it back on afterwards. If you behave, then I'll take it out again for lunch and the same for dinner. If you've not caused any more trouble by the end of the day I'll take it out." I hated the idea of wearing this thing all day, my jaw was already beginning to ache after less than an hour!

Yet my hunger took over and my head nodded as tears fell down my cheeks. He moved closer, taking a moment to hold one of my breasts and play with the nipple. Then he reached behind, and with a 'click' the gag loosened and fell onto the sheets. He stayed close to me, I looked down, not knowing what to do with myself at this point.

My pussy started to moisten from the nipple attention, I tried my best to ignore it, staring at the porridge. It didn't seem that he was going to stop, so I reached over him to take the bowl. It was warm in my hands, and smelled sweet like syrup, which I hoped he had added because I hated porridge. Despite that I wolfed down the bowl in minutes, chasing it with the small cup of orange juice he had brought. My stomach screamed for more when I was done, but I hoped that it would be alright once the food had settled.

Part of me suspected a cruel trick in starving me then offering me a small portion just to tease my hunger. He was watching me very closely, I hadn't noticed as I was eating but his eyes were focused on me as if I was his prey. I put the bowl back on the table and waited for him to move.

There was an eerie silence between us, as his hand started to slide down from my chest towards my soaked vagina. I tensed as he got closer, desperately wanting to pull back, to try and escape, but also terrified of what he might do if I did. His hand reached my hip, sliding over my thigh gently.

I could feel heat rising inside of me as my body got turned on from the contact. He leaned forward with his body getting closer to me, I could feel his breath on my neck. My heart pounded in my chest, wondering if he would kiss me, I was scared, but also just the tiniest part of me was curious as to what it would be like.

Then his hand was gone. He picked up the gag from behind me and lifted it to my mouth, which I automatically opened without hesitation. I was unsettled, still questioning if he wanted to fuck me and was simply gagging me first. Maybe I wanted him to fuck me?

The strap clicked behind my head and he was gone, leaving me alone in that room again, simply waiting, and hoping he would come back for more.












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